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How to order


Step1 Find a product you want

・There are three ways to find a product you want.
1. At the Top page (Refer to the left picture)
2. At the “Eshi” (in the MENU on the right of page)
3. At the “Shop” (in the MENU ont the right of page)

・Once you find the product, please click the button
  of “Buy Now”.
 Buy Now


Step2 Add the product to Cart

・Please confirm the price, picture size, and etc.
・You can change the quantity, if you want.
 (You can do it using button of “+” or “-” )
・Stocked quantity is displayed. The ordering quantity
    should be set less than the stocked quantity.

※You can change the quantity in the latter procedure.

・Once you finish the confirmations, please click
    the button of “Add to cart”.

 Add to cart


Step3 Confirm the product

・Once you add a product to cart, the product
    information is displayed at the Sop cart in the
    MENU on the right of page. (Refer to the left Pic.)

・If you need to change the quantity, input the
    correct number directly in the number column.
・If you don’t need this product, click the button
    of delete . You can delete it.

・After you confirm the contents in the Shop cart
    are correct, please click the button of “Proceed
    to checkout”.

 Proceed to checkout


Step4 Login or Registration

1) For the Security
 Please click in the square at the left of “I’m not a robot”.
   (It needs for the first registration only)


2) If you already have your account,
 ・Please input your username and password,
and click the button of “Login”. Login
 It will go to next procedure ⇒ to Step 5

3) If you don’t have your account,
 ・You need to register new account.
 ・Please input your E-mail address, Password,
       Name, home address, etc, and click the button
       of “Register”. Resister
 ・You will receive a E-mail to your registered
       address automatically for your confirmation.
 ・Please click the URL which is written on the
       confirmation E-mail, and it will complete the
       registration. (Please be sure to do that)
 ・The display of PC will change to picture for
       next procedure automatically. ⇒ to Step 5


Step5 Setting Order

Confirmation for Billing address
・Please confirm Billing address which bear the cost
   for product price and shipping charge.
   (If you are in Japan and use COD, the person of
   shipping address should bear the cost)
・If you need to correct the information, click the mark
   of edit, and input it using the form as left picture.

・You can add new address to click button of New.
 In that case, choice function is enable.
・If you don’t need an address in the selection,
   you can delete it to click the button of delete .

Confirmation for Shipping address
・Please confirm where the ordered product should be sent.
・If Shipping address is different from the Billing
   address, please click the check button of checkbox .
 And input new address information into the appeared form.
   In that case, choice function is enable.
・If you don’t need an address in the selection,
   you can delete it to click the button of delete .

After you finished these confirmation and input,
please click the button of “Next”.Next


Step6 Setting Payment

1) If you send to overseas,
 ・ Please select Credit Cards or PayPal for the payment.

(Confirm the ordering information)
 ・Please confirm the product name, product price,
       quantity, shipping charge, and total price.
 ・If you need to change the quantity, input the correct
       number directly in the number column. change the quantity
 ・you can cancel this ordering to click
       the button of delete .

 ・For the detail about shipment, please refer to the
       description of Shipping & Return.

       After you finished these confirmation, please click
       the button of “Finish”.
       The ordering is completed.Finish
About later detail procedure, please refer to the
description of About payment


2) If you send to domestic in Japan,
・You will see the display as left picture.

(Setting for payment method)
・You need to select Credit Cards or PayPal or
     Bank Transfer(銀行振込). (selected situation:select button)
・For the detail about Bank Transfer(銀行振込),
  please refer to the description of “About Payment”.

(Setting for payment method)
・You need to select Regular shipment(通常配送) or
・For the detail about shipment, please refer to
  the description of Shipping & Return.
・For the detail about COD, please refer to
  the description of About Payment.

After you finished these confirmation, please click the button of "Finish"
The ordering is completed.Finish

About later detail procedure, please refer to the description of
About Payment.


Step7 Compete order and Log out

(If you select Credit Cards)
 ・You will receive an E-mail from Ukiyomokuhan, it announce
       the payment was completed.
・Please quit to click the button of Log out .

(If you select PayPal)
・You will receive an E-mail from PayPal, it announce
    the payment was completed.
・Please quit to click the button of Log out .

(If you select Bank Transfer)
・You will receive an E-mail from Ukiyo Woodblock
    Print, it announce the ordering was received.
・Deposit account information is written on the E-mail.
・PC display show the same information as E-mail.
・Please quit to click the button of Log out .

(If you select COD)
・You will receive an E-mail from Ukiyo Woodblock
   Print, it announce the ordering was received.
・Please pay for the person who will deliver for you,
   and PC display show the attention.
・Please quit to click the button of Log out .

That’s all for the ordering procedure. If you have any questions, please ask to us using contact form.


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How to order

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